
Sunday, August 1, 2010

De Broglie and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

De Broglie Concept:

De Broglie suggested dual nature of microscopic particles i.e. electron, photon, atom or molecule etc and calculated the dual nature of these particles by considering photon as a microscopic particle.

Firstly, he assumed that photon will exhibit particle nature and suggested photon energy can be calculated by Planck’s quantum theory:


And then consider photon will exhibit wave nature and calculated the energy by Einstein equation:


And got a relation lambda=h/p

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle:

It is impossible to calculate the position and velocity of microscopic particle in simultaneous manner and suggested product of uncertainty in position and momentum is equal or greater than nh/2(pie).


Heisenberg explained the uncertainty principle by considering an example in which a photon of light hit a plate and emitted electron get detected by microscope but he told that when photon hit plate then at that time electron position and velocity both changes which causes the uncertainty.

Significance: For microscopic particle.

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